Welcome to Blackstone-Ipswich Cambrian Choir Inc.
Blackstone-Ipswich Cambrian Choir Inc. (the organisation) had its beginnings as the Blackstone-Ipswich Cambrian Choir. The Choir was founded in 1886 as an adult SATB choir, with the express purpose of competing in what was to become the Queensland Eisteddfod. Given this extensive history, it is now reputed to be Queensland’s longest continuously-performing community choir.
Over the years, the choir has developed into a more broad-based organisation. It now incorporates five ensembles, each with its own distinctive role to play in fostering the development of artistic and musical excellence in the Ipswich community.
Our Five Ensembles
Blackstone-Ipswich Cambrian Choir
From Elizabethan madrigals and classical oratorio, through gospel and jazz, to contemporary modern and the vitality of new Australian works, the Blackstone-Ipswich Cambrian Choir delights its audiences with passionate and inspiring performances of some of the best of the world’s choral music repertoire.
Cambrian Youth Choir
The Cambrian Youth Choir has established a well-deserved reputation as an outstanding performance ensemble for young singers living in the Ipswich area. The choir provides unique training, competition and performance opportunities for young singers across all voice types – soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
Junior Cambrian Choir
The Junior Cambrian Choir is a delightful and enthusiastic group of primary school children from Years 3 to 6 who enjoy making music for pleasure. The repertoire incorporates many styles of music including classical, novelty, sacred and musical theatre.
Cambrian Show Choir
The Cambrian Show Choir provides its members with the opportunity to perform a variety of fresh, popular music that fosters personal creativity, expression and professional growth. The Show Choir aims to be a collaborative choir, with members having input into song choice, costuming, choreography, direction, etc.
Coro Concorde
Coro Concorde rehearses on Wednesday mornings. It is an ensemble for adult singers of all ages in the Ipswich community who seek extra singing opportunities or who, for a variety of reasons (family/work commitments, age, transport etc.), are unable to commit to the rehearsal and performance schedule of the Senior Choir.