You’ll Never Walk Alone: a concert of hope
12/09/2020 at 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
What a year it has been! If it were not for the interruptions, the shutdowns, and the restrictions, tonight would have been opening night for our 2020 Theatre Restaurant, and over the course of the next three weekends we would have welcomed some 700 audience members through the doors!
We are truly lucky, however; as you may have seen, our Senior Choir was one of the first choirs in Queensland to return to in-person rehearsals, and while we can’t currently fit an audience in the room with the choir, we’re working on bringing a performance to you, direct to your screen! From a musical nod to the events of the year, including the 75th anniversary of the end of World War Two, and concerts that were to have been, through to pop favourites including The Rhythm of Life, Fields of Gold, and Bridge Over Troubled Water, this concert has a little something for everyone.
Of course, with the public health landscape constantly changing, everything is subject to change, but if all goes to plan, we are hoping to bring this performance to you on September 12th at 7:30pm, on what would have been Theatre Restaurant’s closing night.
You can watch the stream below or on YouTube here.
This will be a live concert: you only get one chance to watch it, and once it’s over, it’s gone, but at least you can watch from the couch and not get curious looks for wearing your pyjamas to a concert!
We know that many of our regular patrons will have been financially affected by the impacts of the pandemic, and so we’re offering this online performance for free. However, if you find yourself in the position to make a donation, whether small change, or the amount you might have otherwise spent on attending Cambrian performances this year, or more if you have the means, any amount you can spare would make all the difference for us!
In a year where hope has at times seemed in short supply, we hope that this performance offers a glimmer of hope for the return to live performances in the future.
We hope you can join us online!